序号 |
论文题目 |
第一作者 |
期刊名称 |
发表日期 |
刊物性质 |
1 |
基于交易量限制的多阶段均值-CVaR投资组合模型 |
王竟竟 |
数学理论与应用 |
2015.9 |
一般 |
2 |
The Adoption of TOPSIS in Fuzzy Portfolio |
王竟竟 |
International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology |
2015.7 |
国际期刊 |
3 |
The Optimal Portfolio Based on the Bat Algorithm Research |
王竟竟 |
International Journal of Engineering Sience Invention |
2015.8 |
国际期刊 |
4 |
带模糊数的投资组合模型的解法研究 |
王竟竟 |
邵阳学院学报(自然科学版) |
2015.6 |
一般 |
5 |
娄底民间融资的风险分析及对策建议 |
李文辉 |
足球彩票,中国足球彩票网学报 |
2015.3 |
一般 |
6 |
Unsolvable Block Transitive Automorphism Groups of 2-(v,11,1)Designs |
廖小莲 |
Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography |
2014.6 |
EI源刊 |
7 |
《金融时间序列分析》课程教学改革研究 |
孙红果 |
考试周刊 |
2015 |
一般 |
8 |
Volatility Spillover among China’s A-shares Market ,B-shares Market and HK Market |
孙红果 |
International Journal of Modern Sciences and Engineering Technology |
2015 |
一般 |
9 |
Construction of the Three-Dimensional Financial Data Laboratory in the Era of Big Data |
邓华 |
2015.3 |
英文 |
10 |
三维金融数据实验室的建设模式研究 |
邓华 |
高师理科学刊 |
2015.1 |
一般 |
11 |
信用价差的度量模型及应用 |
邓华 |
湖南文理学院学报 |
2015.2 |
一般 |
12 |
The Parallel Algorithm for Solving Toeplitz Systems |
刘成志 |
Journal of Interdisciplinary Mathematics |
2015.7 |
EI源刊 |
13 |
带形状参数曲线的最优参数取值问题研究 |
刘成志 |
图学学报 |
2015.8 |
CSCD扩展 |
14 |
基于三次Bezier曲线逼近的边缘亚像素定位方法 |
刘成志 |
软件 |
2015.7 |
一般 |
15 |
地方本科院校《信息论与编码》课程教学改革的探索与实践 |
刘成志 |
教育教学论坛 |
2015.1 |
一般 |
16 |
Multi-period portfolio selection using the finite difference method |
余星 |
The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal |
2015.7 |
EI源刊 |
17 |
Multi-period Mean-dynamic VaR portfolio selection Model and algorithm |
余星 |
The Open Automation and Control Systems Journal |
2015.7 |
EI源刊 |
18 |
Study on the evaluation system of college students ' personality development |
余星 |
Study on the evaluation system of college students ' personality development |
2015.8 |
EI收录 |
19 |
90后大学生个性发展研究 |
余星 |
科学导报 |
2015.7 |
一般 |
20 |
The optimal location of new Ebola medication delivery |
余星 |
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Applied Science |
2015.4 |
一般外文 |
21 |
An Empirical Analysis of the Model of the Coupled Coordination Degree of Tourism Economy Environment in Hunan Province |
余星 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science |
2015.11 |
一般外文 |
22 |
Study on the relationship between tourism economy and Economic growth in Hunan Province |
余星 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering, Management and Science |
2015.8 |
一般外文 |
23 |
Grey correlation analysis of tourism, economy and environment in Hunan Province |
余星 |
International Journal of Advanced Engineering Research and Science |
2015.12 |
一般外文 |
24 |
新建地方本科院校非数学专业线性代数教学改革的探讨 |
刘纯英 |
科技视界 |
2015.2 |
一般 |
25 |
The trigonometric interpolation spline surface and its application in image zooming |
李军成 |
Seventh International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2015) |
2015.7 |
EI会议 |
26 |
基于 1~2 阶分数阶微分的图像增强算法 |
李军成 |
计算机工程 |
2015.2 |
CSCD扩展 |
27 |
图像边缘检测的分数阶微分算子研究 |
李军成 |
计算机应用与软件 |
2015.12 |
CSCD扩展 |
28 |
基于图像处理的玻璃瓶口裂纹检测系统设计与实现 |
李军成 |
计算机测量与控制 |
2015.11 |
中文核心 |
29 |
地方院校促进创新人才培养的数学建模“五维联动”模式研究 |
李军成 |
高师理科学刊 |
2015.4 |
一般 |
30 |
大气中PM2.5浓度的空间表征方法研究 |
李军成 |
环境影响评价 |
2015.11 |
一般 |
31 |
戊己丸治疗胃炎浅析 |
龙承星 |
湖南中医杂志 |
2015.8 |
一般 |
32 |
蔗糖对七味白术散与酵母菌联合治疗菌群失调腹泻的影响 |
龙承星 |
中国微生态学杂志 |
2015.11 |
33 |
半夏泻心汤治疗慢性胃炎的Meta分析 |
龙承星 |
中国当代医药 |
2015.7 |
一般 |
34 |
An improved gradient projection method for constrained optimization problems |
罗志军 |
Advanced Modeling and Optimization |
2015.9 |
一般外文 |
35 |
A modified sequential quadratic programming method for nonlinear programming |
罗志军 |
Advanced Modeling and Optimization |
2015.9 |
一般外文 |
36 |
Global asymptotic stability of pseudo almost periodic solutions to a Lasota-Wazewska model with distributed delays |
龙志文 |
Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations |
2015 |
37 |
A New Scheme for Keypoint Detection and Description |
杨炼 |
Mathematical Problems in Engineering |
2015.5 |
SCI源刊 |
38 |
New Keypoint Detector and Descriptor Based on SIFT |
杨炼 |
Journal of Information & Computational Science |
2015.9 |
EI源刊 |
39 |
地方高校数学专业人才培养模式的改革与探索 |
李炳君 |
产业与科技论坛 |
2015 |
一般 |
40 |
Discussion on Teaching of Linear Algebrain Local University |
罗志军 |
International Journal of Applied Science and Mathematics |
2015.12 |
一般外文 |